A platform for people, organisations and initiatives who strive, to make the world a better place, through education and the empowerment of others to impact global change and create ever-greater awareness of vital issues.
Masters, mentors and influencers | Day 1 - 12:30 pm
With: Brian MuldoonMasters, mentors and influencers | Day 1 - 1:30 pm
How to Create Your Fantastic Future
With: Pete CohenMasters, mentors and influencers | Day 2 - 1:00 pm
5 Secrets to Becoming an Outstanding Coach& Growing a Successful Coaching Business
With: Sara DavisonMasters, mentors and influencers | Day 2 - 1:30 pm
How To Ask For Difficult Things
With: Judymay MurphyMasters, mentors and influencers | Day 2 - 3:30 pm
The power of conflict to lead and influence
With: Jose UcarComing soon!