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Paul Smith

Paul Smith


Paul Smith is a published author and passionate advocate for transformative change. With his published book, Everything Starts Hard, Paul has already made his mark as an Author and also as a co-author of 'The Coach's Casebook’. As the Managing Director for Coaching Minds and the Social Responsibility Lead for the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) UK, Paul is widely respected in the coaching profession. Beyond his professional achievements, Paul's dedication to social impact shines through his role as Chairman of the Wear Surma Clinic, where he provides free healthcare to children in Bangladesh. With a focus on challenging the status quo, Paul leads accredited coach training programs that empower coaches worldwide, earning certifications and accreditations. As an Accredited Senior Practitioner with EMCC Global, Paul brings over five years of coaching experience and a wealth of knowledge to the table. His commitment to sharing this wisdom with the world is unwavering, as he continues to expand his services, helping individuals make a meaningful impact. Get ready to embark on a transformative journey alongside Paul as he guides you towards unlocking your full potential.

I will be speaking at:

Day 1 - 3:00 pm

The 3Cs for Future Coaching

Passion to profit (London)