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Kadeem Locke

I am currently studying English at The University of North Florida and full-time fitness trainer at LA fitness. I chose English as my major because I have had a love of literature since I can remember, and I’ve always wanted to delve deeper into the world of books.

Jenn Henry

Lifestyle recovery specialist, candidly shares her journey of transforming from a life of addiction, homelessness, prison, self-loathing, people pleasing and chronic disconnection, to reclaiming her power and creating a life she looks forward to living. Henry lays out a step-by-step guide to foster an abundant and sustainable life and career of serving others while still experiencing personal freedom by making our own health, happiness and success a priority in our lives.

Audrey Fierberg

Experienced writer, publishing consultant, editor and educator. I’ve published stories in literary magazines of note, identified prize-winning fiction for TriQuarterly Magazine, secured short story publications and book deals for publishing clients, and taught extensively. In all of my areas of focus I pride myself on an exacting eye for excellent writing, whether it be in the form of technical writing, academic essays or fiction, and whether it be my own work or the work of a student or client. Please see my website or contact me for further details.

Hannah Rumsey

Hannah Rumsey is a Developmental Editor & Writing Coach for Sara Connell Coaching, Inc. She studied Creative Writing at VCU and Northwestern University, and has a Certificate in Editing from the University of Washington. In her spare time she loves podcasting, watching movies (and complaining about how the book was better), filmmaking, and all things comedy. She lives in Chicago, IL.

Jose Ucar

He helps business leaders to build strong and successful international relationships with customers, work colleagues and teams by understanding what it takes to communicate internationally with impact and confidence.

Patricia Fors

As the founder of Muse Literary, an independent publisher that represents diverse and emerging authors, I combine my passion for literature with my expertise in international business and strategy.

Laura Tynan

Laura spent the past decade building a successful career in finance, working with global advisory firms, supporting C-Suite clients on multi-million-dollar deals and holding a Board position during the financial restructuring of an international shipping company.

Ceylan Boyce

Ceylan Boyce, founder of Academy for Women Entrepreneurs, an award-winning business networking, training and coaching platform specifically designed for women microbusiness owners. She is also a business strategist, coach, mum, yogi and fierce activist for gender equality.

Camilla Collins

Camilla is an empowering high performer to achieve peak health & biz success through strategic lifestyle coaching. She’s a beauty agency owner, author, and confidence and lifestyle coach, who is SUPER passionate about changing peploe’s self perception so they can realize the huge amount of power that the already have within them.

Fiona Campbell

Fiona’s passion is help people develop the language and behaviour skills for enhancing their communicating, motivating, leading, coaching and influencing skills. She achieves this through making NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) skills that are simple to learn and easy to apply. For over 30 years she has been working with coaches and business leaders internationally both in person and online.