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Thank you for registering!

Upgrade today and receive over $2700 in Value

Upgrade today and receive over $2700 in value and
access to all the recordings

Upgrade now for as Little as $79

When you upgrade to Premium or VIP you get access to over $2.700 worth of extras AND recordings to all the talks

Your Premium and VIP Ticket Includes:

The Question

By Bernardo Moya. E-Book

VALUE: $9.99

But I Love Him

E-Book By Michele Jewsbury

VALUE: $20

Access To Cash course

Leverage By Dame Doria Cordova

VALUE: $67

The Split

From Breakup To Breakthrough In 30 Days Or Less Programme By Sara Davison

VALUE: $20

The 5 Biggest Challenges After Divorce

By Eykiena Crowley

VALUE: $197


By Darla Nelson

VALUE: $27

The Woman I Am

Confidence Planner By Jamie Johnson

VALUE: $19

VISIBILITY: Virtual Event

Complimentary Ticket to the VISIBILITY: Virtual Event for Speakers with our Famous Speakers Competition 4/20-4/22 By Dannella Burnett

VALUE: $97

‘Lovability’ audio course

By Marisa Peer

VALUE: $50

Re-Align To Thrive™

By Diana Lockett

VALUE: $50

Voice-over Training

Voice-over Training & Demo Production By Justine Reiss

VALUE: $49

Evolution Solutions

Professional Online Life/Business/Executive Coaching Session By Judy Hersh

VALUE: $350


VIP Only! - Mini training By Darla Nelson

VALUE: $97

Business Success Model

E-book By Dame Doria Cordova

VALUE: $12.95

Discovery Coaching Session

By Marianna Alfa

VALUE: $379

Go From Camera Shy to Camera Ready

By Jessica Abo

VALUE: $97

Create Compelling Slides That Convert

Event ticket with VIP upgrade By Brigette Callahan

VALUE: $500

Letting "Shit" Go

Free Course: Personal Deprogramming By Mas Sajady

VALUE: $60

Branding YOU with impact!

Special ½-Day Event about About what “Branding” means for you and attracting the best clients to grow your business. By Rich Kozak

VALUE: $97

Guerilla parenting

E-Book By David Fagan and a free ticket to my live in person Top Talent JV Mastermind

VALUE: $1047

A Man Evolving

By Bernardo Moya. E-Book

VALUE: $19.95

Millionaire Mentor

E-Book By Greg Reid

VALUE: $15

Total Value:


VIP Ticket

Guaranteed Main Stage, NO cues, front row seats, lunch, teas and coffees, goody bags and access to main stage speakers, video recordings of all the talks and MORE.

Order a One, two or three Day Ticket

March 3,4 or 5
of March

Buy Now for: $179
Door Price: $600

Premium Ticket

Upgrade to Premium today for access to all the recordings and over $2,700 worth of value!

Order a one, two or three Day Ticket.

March 3, March 4 or March 5

Starting at just: $79 for one day
Door Price: $200

Secure Your Ticket Now!